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impulseGUIDE - International Recognition for Technology
Ed Hanchett
/ Categories: Client Announcements

impulseGUIDE - International Recognition for Technology

We’ve just learned that impulseGUIDE (www.impulseguide.com) of Buffalo NY was featured in PMQ (Best in Show: International Restaurant & Foodservice Show of New York - PMQ Pizza Magazine) following their participation with the International Restaurant & Foodservice Show of New York!

Take-outs (no pun intended) from the article include:

“Whether interacting with customers or employees, digital signage is an effective way to get a point across, and impulseGUIDE has a solution that lets you use any TV to connect to their hardware for digital signage” writes Tom Boyles of PMQ.

He goes on to write “You can access the software from any internet connection, whether you’re in the office or lying on the beach!”.

Several years ago, the concept team at impulseGUIDE approached us with an idea – and the question - can it be developed? Of course it can! If you can dream it, we can develop it. Today, impulseGUIDE and their clients enjoy the benefits and ease-of-use of that application.

What exactly is this application? It is a digital signage management solution that is multi-client ready, that manages screens, menu boards, wayfinders and information boards for any location in the U.S.

We’re proud to celebrate their recognition and to continue to be their ongoing development partner that helped them bring it to reality.

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