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Four Season Firewood

Our Latest Client Website Project

Ed Hanchett 0 3699

Are you a camper? Do you have a fireplace that you enjoy throughout the winter? How about a backyard fire pit? Maybe you heat your home with wood and need to find a constant and consistent supplier. The bottom line is if you need firewood, Four Season Firewood should be your go-to!

Is Owning Multiple Similar Domains Beneficial?

Ed Hanchett 0 3399

When we research potential domain names, we are interested in discovering all of the similar variations that are available for that domain. And when that research is on behalf of a client, we will always recommend that they register several of the domains - or at the very least, the .com and the .net versions. Often, our clients push back and challenge us on our recommendation as every domain carries an annual cost. Continue reading to discover why we stand firm on our recommedation...

March 17, 2003...twenty years later

Ed Hanchett 0 3737

We celebrate our twentieth anniversary – yes 20th Anniversary – on Friday! I’ve spoken that fact out loud several times and have repeated it in my head countless times over the past few days. I think I’m trying to process and embrace that reality as I recall people, and places, and projects…some of which remain today but others that are now memories.


Today's Quote: John F. Kennedy

Today's Quote: John F. Kennedy Read more

“Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.”  

   - John F. Kennedy

Today's quote: Amelia Earhart

Today's quote: Amelia Earhart Read more

"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity"

                                                                                                   - Emelia Earhart

What will 2020 look like for you?

What will 2020 look like for you? Read more

This article may sound like it’s taken right out of a sales manual. Frankly, it’s not yet I am hopeful that you will take what I am sharing to heart and whether you engage us or another service provider, take action. Do something!

There is something magical about anticipating a new year or even a new season. We’ve come to associate the date change as bringing a new outlook on life or a fresh beginning. In our minds, a new year brings about new opportunities and positive change. Yet in reality, unless we do something intentional, the only thing that changes is the date.

Tips for Your Business: Social Media – all or nothing, right?

Tips for Your Business: Social Media – all or nothing, right? Read more

Are you using Social Media for your business or have you opted out altogether? Social Media is one of those ‘things’ that by its nature, can be overwhelming. We can help!

Tips for Your Business: Website Content

Tips for Your Business: Website Content Read more

When developing content for your business, whether that’s for print material or your website, remember that you (likely) are a subject matter expert and that not everyone understands your jargon.
