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Tips for Your Business: Website Content

In our professional environment, we are surrounded with software developers who often use TLA’s (three letter acronyms) or abbreviations. In fact, sometimes entire sentences are constructed of a string of TLA’s with the expectation that everyone present can translate and understand them. It gets pretty frustrating for anyone not ‘in the know’ to engage in such an interaction.

Now imagine that a potential customer is reading your brochure or visiting your website. They might need what you are offering but if they can’t understand what you’re saying, it won’t matter! They will be frustrated and will find someone else with whom they can communicate and understand. Imagine losing business because you’re too smart!

Your website content needs to convey confidence, knowledge and ability - it doesn’t have to prove your intelligence. However, use your intelligence to produce content that is clear, understandable and that will help a prospect know you are the right solution provider for them!

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AspDotNetStorefront vs Wix Ecommerce

AspDotNetStorefront vs Wix Ecommerce Read more

In this blog article, we discuss and compare AspDotNetStorefront and Wix ecommerce platforms. We compare the security, pricing, customizability, features, and tools of both platforms. When you are finished reading this post you will have a better comprehension of which ecommerce platform is better for your online store.

DotNetNuke vs Weebly

DotNetNuke vs Weebly Read more

In this blog article we discuss the the differences and similarities between Weebly and DotNetNuke (DNN). We will tell you about the good and the bad of each website development platform. By the end of the article you will understand whether DNN of Weebly is the better platform for you to manage your on website.

WooCommerce vs AspDotNetStorefront

WooCommerce vs AspDotNetStorefront Read more

In this article we discuss the positives and negatives of ecommerce platoforms AspDotNetStorefront and WooCommerce. We compare the two platforms and give our decision of which ecommerce  platform best assists with the needs of you and your ecommerce business.

AspDotNetStorefront vs SquareSpace

AspDotNetStorefront vs SquareSpace Read more

In this article we compare and discuss AspDotNetStorefront and SquareSpace. We provide you with the facts that you need to know before committing to using either of these ecommerce platforms. By the end of the post, you will understand which platform you should most likely be using to create your own website.

Wix vs DNN (Part 2)

Wix vs DNN (Part 2) Read more

We discuss the second half of our comparison of Wix and DNN. in this portion we talk about the features, tools, prices, and which webiste development platform we suggest you should be using based upon you and your business.
