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Today's Quote: Albert Einstein
Ed Hanchett
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Today's Quote: Albert Einstein

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." --Albert Einstein

When you stop and contemplate it, you quicly discover that success is subjective. How you define and measure success often differs from how another person might. Is it money? Is it fame? is it peace of mind? Is is exclusive to only one thing or is it a combination of things that determine success? And most importantly, who determines when we are successful?

Our value is different. Someone else will determine our value. It may be as simply as a shared smile when someone is having a rough go of it....or it could be offering a meal to a hungry person. I believe that our value cannot be measured with anything that is tangilble but only by that which is felt by another. To have value, we must give something of ourself away without the expectation of anything in return.



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