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Hunting for Prospects
Ed Hanchett

Hunting for Prospects

Is sales just a game of chance encounters?

The age-old sales question: How do you get in front of a prospect at the moment they are ready to buy. There isn’t a sales rep alive that doesn’t struggle with this question and constantly tries to understand the answer.

Sure, sometimes a sales rep gets lucky and the person answering the phone or opening the door just happens to be interested in what you’re selling. But that is more coincidence than a repetitive action. Plus, in today’s marketplace, there are lots of gatekeepers keeping you away from a buyer. Whether it’s caller ID or a “do not solicit” sign, buyers can shelter-in-place with little fear of talking with you.

Yet people buy things all the time – so how to you get to sell them your “thing”?

Since the majority of buyers today begin their shopping experience online, my personal suggestion is that you make it easy to find your business online and to show up in front of your prospect when they’re looking! In my opinion, the odds of “being at the right place, at the right time” are greater online than they are with a cold phone call or a knock on the door. 

Even if you agree with me, you may still be frustrated because you don’t know how to do that or you believe you don’t have the resources (time, money). Let me turn that around – if you’re in business, can you afford not to figure this out? Trust me, your competition is!

Things change. It’s a natural occurrence. The way buyers buy has changed…..and the way you market and sell your “things” has to change too. Sure, you can continue to follow “traditional” sales and marketing tactics and likely get declining results or you can embrace the reality of change and engage digital marketing tactics to gain a competitive advantage again.

Not sure where to start? Because you’re not alone, we have this conversation frequently with clients. The simple answer is there is no simple or “one size fits all” response – however, we are prepared to work with you to identify the answer, create a plan and help you implement that plan.

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