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Today's Quote: John F. Kennedy
Ed Hanchett
/ Categories: Quotes

Today's Quote: John F. Kennedy

“Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.”  

    - John F. Kennedy
This is a very profound and timely quote given the Covid-10 “shelter-in-place” requirements that exist for most of us. If we allow ourselves, we can be consumed by the isolation – or we may find it the perfect opportunity to reconnect, to provide a meal, or simply to offer a smile of encouragement. Small acts may impact one; when multiplied, they impact a nation!

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Has Google forgotten you exist? Whose responsibility is that?

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Getting your website included in organic search results requires focus and intent…it doesn’t just happen. While there are a lot of factors outside of your control, the foundational factors are right at your fingertips. You need to create quality content and you need to expand the content on your website so that Google sees you are investing in your website! In addition, if your website is not responsive, you are your own worst enemy!

You have the option to change this by making your website a priority. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune or demand every waking moment – but it does require your attention. 

We’ve shared some aspects of Google and options that can help you impact your web presence in the complete article which can be accessed here.
