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A wolf in sheep’s clothing

Recently, we had the opportunity to meet a prospective client who had grown frustrated with their long-term vendor. They shared that the vendor, who for years had been responsive, had changed their business focus and seemed to have lost interest in them.

Soon, the conversation moved past the “meet & greet” stage and the course was set for the prospect to become our client. First things first - it was agreed that the client’s existing website would be the migrated from their current vendor’s hosting environment to ours. And that’s where everything fell apart.

Out of nowhere, the current vendor demanded a $5000 retainer before any dialogue would be started. Feeling like they were being held hostage (and they were!), we began to look for alternative ways that we could migrate the site without the assistance of their vendor only to discover that every form of access had either never been provided or had been blocked.

Now, not only was the website being held hostage but it appeared the retainer was nothing short of extortion.

In our opinion, no matter how you look at this situation, it is simply wrong. The vendor had always been paid on time and the client had documented repeated attempts to communicate with the vendor well before we entered the picture.

I’ve had too many professional experiences with corporate fraud and people doing illicit things for personal gain but I admit, this situation took me by surprise. What was the motivation? Anger? Greed? The vendor had already made the decision to stop supporting the client’s application. They had demonstrated a lack of concern for their client through their unresponsiveness. So why create such turmoil and difficulty?

For us, helping a client survive a difficult experience is what we’re good at and knowing we’re ready to do so again and again is a part of our identity…but acknowledging there is yet another crook in our industry is disheartening.

If you are in a bad vendor relationship, we're here and ready to discover how we may best help you. Everything starts with a conversation - and the first one is free.

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Too Much To Do - try using a Smart Calendar!

Too Much To Do - try using a Smart Calendar! Read more

Have you ever seen the person that no matter what, always seems on top of things, on schedule and never flustered? While you might want to hurt them, the fact is you’re jealous! Our Tip this week will help you regain some control and get more organized.

Digital Marketing - yes, it's MANDATORY

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Everybody throws around buzz words and says we need to be doing ‘SEO” or on Social Media. Just because everybody else is doing it, why do I need to? My mother always asked me “if they jumped off a bridge, would you?” In this case, the answer is YES!

Tips for your business: Goal Setting

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Lately, I find myself thinking about goals a lot. Maybe it’s because I manage a lot of tasks and some days, though I’ve been busy all day, I’m not sure what I have accomplished. Perhaps it is because I’ve never been good at putting substance around my goals. 

Tip for your business: Understanding your WHY

Tip for your business: Understanding your WHY Read more

If you have spent much time with a toddler, you know the word why can take on annoying attributes beyond comprehension. Yet if you are in business, being able to answer the one-word question why takes on incredible importance.

Has Google forgotten you exist? Whose responsibility is that?

Has Google forgotten you exist? Whose responsibility is that? Read more

Getting your website included in organic search results requires focus and intent…it doesn’t just happen. While there are a lot of factors outside of your control, the foundational factors are right at your fingertips. You need to create quality content and you need to expand the content on your website so that Google sees you are investing in your website! In addition, if your website is not responsive, you are your own worst enemy!

You have the option to change this by making your website a priority. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune or demand every waking moment – but it does require your attention. 

We’ve shared some aspects of Google and options that can help you impact your web presence in the complete article which can be accessed here.
